Packaging artifacts


The Artifacts page in the project settings tells AppVeyor which files and folders should be uploaded to AppVeyor cloud storage during the build. Artifacts can be later deployed to other environments, however deployment is not possible unless a file is listed as an artifact first.

The artifact path must be relative to the root of repository. For example, to upload the myproject.dll assembly from the bin folder of a project enter:


You can use wildcards and environment variables in the artifact path. Let’s say the “configuration” variable contains the current build configuration. Then to upload all assemblies in the bin directory:


To push the entire bin folder as a single zip archive:


To push all *.nupkg files in the build folder recursively:


To push all *.nupkg files in sub-directory recursively:


To configure project artifacts in appveyor.yml, use this syntax:

  - path:
    name: MyApp

  - path: logs
    name: test logs
    type: zip

IMPORTANT! If the artifact path starts with * surround the value with single quotes, for example:

- path: '*.nupkg'


- path: '**\*.nupkg' # find all NuGet packages recursively

The following artifact types are supported:

  • Auto (default) - infer type automatically from file extension
  • WebDeployPackage - Web Deploy package with .zip extension
  • NuGetPackage - .nupkg files
  • AzureCloudService - .cspkg files
  • AzureCloudServiceConfig - .cscfg files
  • SsdtPackage- .dacpac files
  • Zip - .zip files
  • File - any other file types

See appveyor.yml reference for more details.

Packaging multiple files in different locations into a single archive

To create a single “zip” artifact with multiple files from different locations you can use 7z in “after build” script which is already available in PATH:

7z a %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\path\to\bin\*.dll

Specifying the absolute path here is required to remove paths from archive. However, if you need to preserve paths in the archive use relative paths, like:

7z a path\to\bin\*.dll

Finally, have only “” pushed to artifacts.

  - path:
    name: MyApp

Pushing artifacts from scripts

You can use the following command-line to add a file to the list of build artifacts:

appveyor PushArtifact <file_name>

or using PowerShell:

Push-AppveyorArtifact <file_name>

For example, to push all NuGet packages from the build folder (non-recursive):

  - ps: Get-ChildItem .\*.nupkg | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName -FileName $_.Name }

The following command pushes the contents of the app.publish folder while preserving the directory structure:

ps: $root = Resolve-Path .\MyApp\bin\Debug\app.publish; [IO.Directory]::GetFiles($root.Path, '*.*', 'AllDirectories') | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_ -FileName $_.Substring($root.Path.Length + 1) -DeploymentName to-publish }

See Pushing artifacts from scripts for more details.

Getting information about uploaded artifacts

After all artifacts are uploaded and before starting deployment, AppVeyor adds into PowerShell context $artifacts hash table with all artifacts. The key of this hash table is the artifact deployment name and the value is an object with the following fields:

  • name - artifact deployment name. GUID if was not specified;
  • type - artifact type;
  • path - local artifact path;
  • url - temporary download URL which is valid for 10 minutes.

You can iterate through all elements of $artifacts hash table with the following code:

foreach ($artifactName in $artifacts.keys) {

URL for fetching “last successful” artifact:<account>/<project>/artifacts/<artifact_file_path>

URL parameters:

  • branch - if not specified the most recent successful build of any branch is fetched.
  • tag - if not specified the most recent successful build of any tag is fetched.
  • job - the name of the job. If a build contains multiple jobs then this parameter is mandatory. Value must be URL-encoded, for example Configuration%3DRelease.
  • all - lookup for artifact in not only successful builds, but in successful, failed and cancelled ones. Default is false.
  • pr - include PR builds in the search results. true - take artifact from PR builds only, false - do not look for artifact in PR builds; otherwise look for artifact in both PR an non-PR builds.


Downloading artifact from last successful build of any branch:

Downloading artifact for last successful build of master branch:

Downloading artifact from last successful build of master branch and “Release” job:

Downloading artifact for last successful build of 1.1 tag:

Downloading artifact from any successful/failed/cancelled build of any branch:

Downloading artifact from last successful non-PR build of any branch:
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