Build notifications are defined on project level and triggered on build success or fail events. You can configure notification on Notifications tab of project settings or in notifications
section of appveyor.yml
- provider: <provider_1>
settings: ...
on_build_success: true|false
on_build_failure: true|false
on_build_status_changed: true|false
- provider: <provider_2>
settings: ...
Warning: Notifications defined on project settings UI are merged with notifications defined in appveyor.yml.
When notification is configured in appveyor.yml
and no on_build_
triggers are specified then all triggers are set to true
meaning notification is sent on all three “success”, “failure” and “status change” events. For example, if you have the following setup:
- provider: Email
it will be read by AppVeyor as:
- provider: Email
on_build_success: true
on_build_failure: true
on_build_status_changed: true
so, to not receive notifications on build success specify:
- provider: Email
on_build_success: false
Email notification preferences sent for all projects are unique for every user and can be changed on Notifications page.
You can limit the amount of email notifications you receive:
You can define email notifications specific to a project.
If not specified default subject template:
Build {{status}}: {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}}
Default message body template:
<div style="font-family:'Segoe UI',Arial,Sans-Serif;font-size:10pt;">
<h1 style="font-size: 150%;font-weight:normal; color:#078DC7;"><a href="{{buildUrl}}" style="color:#078DC7;">Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} completed</a></h1>{{/passed}}
<h1 style="font-size: 150%;font-weight:normal; color:#ff3228;"><a href="{{buildUrl}}" style="color:#ff3228;">Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} failed</a></h1>{{/failed}}
<p style="color: #888;">
Commit <a href="{{commitUrl}}">{{commitId}}</a> by <a href="mailto:{{commitAuthorEmail}}">{{commitAuthor}}</a> on {{commitDate}}:
<br />
<span style="font-size: 110%;color:#222;">{{commitMessage}}</span>
<p><a href="{{notificationSettingsUrl}}" style="font-size:85%;color:#999;">Configure your notification preferences</a></p>
How to customize message template
- provider: Email
subject: 'Build {{status}}' # optional
message: "{{template_variable_1}}, {{template_variable_2}}, ..." # optional
on_build_success: true|false
on_build_failure: true|false
on_build_status_changed: true|false
Note that you can use template variables for message recipient. For example, this configuration will send email to failed commit author:
- provider: Email
- '{{commitAuthorEmail}}'
on_build_failure: true
Slack sends notifications as message attachments which allows differentiating successful/failed builds/deployments with color.
Slack notifications can be configured to use either Authentication token and channel name or Incoming webhook.
When authentication token is used channel name must be specified. Slack API authentication token can be generated on this page (Authentication section):
When you specify channel name make sure it starts with #
sign if it’s public channel, for example #builds
. In appveyor.yml
you need to quote channel name to pass YAML validation, for example:
- provider: Slack
secure: AAABBB+CCC==
channel: '#channel'
Slack notifications can be configured to use Incoming webhook. When webhook is used channel name can be omitted as it’s encoded into webhook URL.
Follow incoming webhook integration link on Incoming webhooks page to generate new incoming webhook.
In appveyor.yml
webhook URL can be set as secure string, for example:
- provider: Slack
secure: AAABBB+CCC+DDD==
Default Slack message template:
<{{buildUrl}}|Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} {{status}}>
Commit <{{commitUrl}}|{{commitId}}> by {{commitAuthor}} on {{commitDate}}:
- provider: Slack
secure: kBl9BlxvRMr9liHmnBs14A==
channel: development
template: "{{template_variable_1}}, {{template_variable_2}}, ..."
Encrypt authentication token on this page.
GitHub Pull Request notifications is a perfect way to notify all developers working on a pull request. AppVeyor can post a new comment with build results to a pull request being built. GitHub will send email notifications to all subscribed developers.
A new comment can be made on behalf of AppVeyorBot GitHub account (public repositories only) or any custom GitHub account account (“bot”) having access to your repositories.
Default GitHub Pull Request comment template:
{{#passed}}:white_check_mark:{{/passed}}{{#failed}}:x:{{/failed}} [Build {{&projectName}} {{buildVersion}} {{status}}]({{buildUrl}}) (commit {{commitUrl}} by @{{&commitAuthorUsername}})
How to customize message template
- provider: GitHubPullRequest
secure: kBl9BlxvRMr9liHmnBs14A==
template: "{{#passed}}:white_check_ ..."
Encrypt authentication token on this page.
HipChat has two versions of API: v1 and v2. AppVeyor supports both versions though notifications sent using API v1 allow specifying “from” field:
while API v2 always sends messages on behalf API token issuer:
You can generate API v1 token on this page (you must be a group admin):
Notification token type is enough for AppVeyor to post message to a room.
You can generate API v2 token on this page:
Default HipChat message template:
<a href=""{{buildUrl}}"">Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} {{status}}</a><br/>
Commit <a href=""{{commitUrl}}"">{{commitId}}</a> by {{commitAuthor}} on {{commitDate}}:
How to customize message template
- provider: HipChat
secure: RbOnSMSFKYzxzFRrxM1+XA==
room: ProjectA
template: "{{template_variable_1}}, {{template_variable_2}}, ..."
Encrypt authentication token on this page.
Campfire API authentication token can be generated on My info page:
Default Campfire message template:
Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} {{status}}: {{buildUrl}}
Commit #{{commitId}} by {{commitAuthor}} on {{commitDate}}: {{commitMessage}}
How to customize message template
- provider: Campfire
account: appveyor
secure: RifLRG8Vfyol+sNhj9u2JA==
room: ProjectA
template: "{{template_variable_1}}, {{template_variable_2}}, ..."
Encrypt authentication token on this page.
Visual Studio Online team notifications are being sent on someone’s behalf and that user should have alternate credentials enabled for their VSO account. To enabled alternate credentials login to your VSO account and then click your name at the top right corner, then select “My profile” and click “Credentials” tab.
Default VSO message template
Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} {{status}}: {{buildUrl}}
Commit #{{commitId}} by {{commitAuthor}} on {{commitDate}}: {{commitMessage}}
- provider: VSOTeamRoom
account: <account-name>
username: <alternate-username>
password: <your-password>
room: ProjectA
template: "{{template_variable_1}}, {{template_variable_2}}, ..."
By default webhook notification makes POST
request, but this can be changed to GET
with method
Configuring webhooks in appveyor.yml
- provider: Webhook
method: GET
- provider: Webhook
User-Agent: myapp 1.0
secure: GhD+5xhLz/tkYY6AO3fcfQ==
on_build_success: false
on_build_failure: true
on_build_status_changed: true
You can use Mustache variables (explained in the section below) in URL and header values, for example:
- provider: Webhook
method: GET
APPVEYOR-PROJECT-NAME: '{{projectName}}'
APPVEYOR-BUILD-VERSION: '{{buildVersion}}'
APPVEYOR-COMMIT-ID: '{{commitId}}'
When webhook notification triggers AppVeyor makes POST request to the webhook URL and passes JSON data in the body:
"started":"2014-04-14 7:57 PM",
"finished":"2014-04-14 7:58 PM",
"commitAuthor":"John Smith",
"commitDate":"2014-04-14 1:54 AM",
"commitMessage":"Some changes to appveyor.yml",
"committerName":"John Smith",
"started":"2014-04-14 7:57 PM",
"finished":"2014-04-14 7:58 PM",
"message":"Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly....",
can be either build_success
or build_failure
Webhook request body can be customized for cases like notifying New Relic.
Configuring custom webhook request body with default content type (application/json
) in appveyor.yml
- provider: Webhook
method: POST
secure: 9vNz+tHM2nuER4MTf+iIbg==
body: >-
"foo": "bar"
You can set custom Content-Type header for non-JSON content in appveyor.yml
- provider: Webhook
method: POST
content_type: application/xml
body: >-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Object Type="System.Collections.Hashtable">
<Property Name="Key" Type="System.String">foo</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.String">bar</Property>
Message template is a Mustache template with the same data as eventData
field in webhook JSON payload above, for example:
{{#passed}} Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} passed {{/passed}}
{{#failed}} Build {{projectName}} {{buildVersion}} failed {{/failed}}
Please note that for Deployment environment notifications, you have to prefix variables with build
, e.g. ``.
Sometimes eventdata
from webhook JSON payload is not enough and you need to pass some custom value into notification. One possible trick to do this is to alter build job message.
For example, you need to add some custom warning which appears because of some special condition. Let’s say you want to send specific message in email notification if variable a
is greater than b
. In this case you can add the following into your appveyor.yml:
- ps: if ($a -gt $b) {Add-AppveyorMessage "My custom warning"}
And add the following to notification template:
<p>Build messages:</p>
Catlight is a free application that runs on Windows and OS X. It shows current status of AppVeyor builds in tray (or menu bar on OS X). In addition, it will show a toaster notification when a build starts or completes.