NuGet deployment provider publishes artifacts of type NuGet package to remote NuGet feed.
) - NuGet feed URL, e.g.
. If server is not specified package will be pushed to
) - your API key. Use the AppVeyor Encryption Tool to encrypt your API key before saving it to appveyor.yml
) - Publishing URL for symbol server, If server is not specified symbol package will be pushed to
) - skip publishing of symbol packages.artifact
) - artifact name or filename to push. If not specified all artifacts of type NuGet package will be pushed. This can be a regexp, e.g. /.*\.nupkg/
Configuring in appveyor.yml
provider: NuGet
server: # remove to push to
secure: m49OJ7+Jdt9an3jPcTukHA==
skip_symbols: false
symbol_server: # remove to push symbols to
artifact: /.*\.nupkg/
Your NuGet API key should be encrypted using this tool:
If you are compiling a native package (such as a C++ library) and need to use the CoApp Powershell Tools to build the NuGet packages then this can also be done, but requires a little more work.
The install
script should be used to download and install the CoApp package.
# Download the CoApp tools.
$msiPath = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\CoApp.Tools.Powershell.msi"
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $msiPath)
# Install the CoApp tools from the downloaded .msi.
Start-Process -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList /i, $msiPath, /quiet -Wait
# Make the tools available for later PS scripts to use.
$env:PSModulePath = $env:PSModulePath + ';C:\Program Files (x86)\Outercurve Foundation\Modules'
Import-Module CoApp
Normally, the CoApp tools use an .autopkg
file rather than a .nuspec
file to contain the instructions for building the package. In the Appveyor environment, this has one small drawback. Since the package is built on each push to the underlying code repository, multiple builds will happen with the same version number in the .autopkg
file. This causes deployment to fail, as a package cannot be uploaded with the same version number as the existing package.
To solve this, the .autopkg
file can be renamed to .autopkg.template
, and a placeholder used where the version number should go. The Appveyor build process can then replace this placeholder with the build number, ensuring the generated .autopkg
file always has a unique, incrementing version number.
nuget {
nuspec {
id = example;
// "@version" is replaced by the current Appveyor build number in the
// pre-deployment script.
version: @version;
title: example;
All this can be achieved in the before_deploy
script, which will also use the CoApp tools to create the .nupkg
files just before the attempt to deploy them:
# This is the CoApp .autopkg file to create.
$autopkgFile = "example.autopkg"
# Get the ".autopkg.template" file, replace "@version" with the Appveyor version number, then save to the ".autopkg" file.
cat ($autopkgFile + ".template") | % { $_ -replace "@version", $env:appveyor_build_version } > $autopkgFile
# Use the CoApp tools to create NuGet native packages from the .autopkg.
Write-NuGetPackage $autopkgFile
# Push all newly created .nupkg files as Appveyor artifacts for later deployment.
Get-ChildItem .\*.nupkg | % { Push-AppveyorArtifact $_.FullName -FileName $_.Name }
The standard NuGet publishing process above can then be used to deploy these packages.