Deploying by FTP

FTP provider supports the following protocols:

  • FTP
  • FTPS (FTP over SSL)
  • SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

and can work in two modes:

Copy artifacts to remote FTP location

Build artifacts are copied “as is” with preserving artifact folder structure. For example, if you are copying build artifacts bin\ and logs\testlog.log to remote FTP folder builds\$(appveyor_build_version)\results both files will be copied as builds\<version>\results\bin\ and builds\<version>\results\logs\testlog.log respectively.

To copy artifacts use artifact setting; leave it blank to FTP all artifacts.

Application deployment

This scenario is used for deploying web application from .zip artifact. During deployment AppVeyor downloads artifact, unpacks it to a temporary directory and then copies all files from that directory to remote FTP location preserving directory structure.

To deploy artifact as an application use application setting.

Provider settings

  • Protocol (protocol) - ftp, ftps or sftp; default is ftp.
  • Host (host) - FTP server host name or IP address without protocol prefix, for example or
  • Username (username) - FTP user name.
  • Password (password) - FTP user password.
  • Remote folder (folder) - remote FTP folder to copy artifacts to or root of web application.
  • Active mode (active_mode) - enable FTP active mode. Default mode is passive. This setting is ignored for sftp protocol. There are caveats - see below.
  • Artifact (artifact) - name of artifact(s) to copy. Leave blank to copy all artifacts.
  • Application (application) - name of artifact with application package to expand to remote FTP location.

Configuring in appveyor.yml:

  provider: FTP
  protocol: ftps
  username: webuser01
    secure: AABBBCCCCddd123==
  folder: wwwroot
  artifact: /.*\.nupkg/          # upload all NuGet packages to release assets

Active mode

Active-mode FTP is often referred as “client-managed” session and thus requires a range of inbound ports opened on FTP client machine to to allow FTP server connections. You can read more about FTP modes in this article:

You can use Active-mode FTP only while deploying from build running on premium environment as you can control firewall on its build workers.

To allow incoming FTP connections add this PowerShell command to Install section on Environment tab of AppVeyor project settings or in install section of appveyor.yml:

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "Allow Inbound FTP" -Direction Inbound -Program 'C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.BuildAgent.Interactive.exe' -RemoteAddress Any -Action Allow

Active mode won’t work from Environments as Azure Cloud Service worker roles doing deployment are not accessible from the internet. Anyway, we suggest switching to Passive mode unless you have a very strong reason of not doing so.

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